Welcome to soxsulife.com! Soxsu Lifestyle Apparel LLC (pronounced so-soo) was developed in 2012 with a lofty goal in mind: to positively impact the world by inspiring people to be more active in their neighborhoods and communities. Our acronym and motto “Stand Out by Standing Up” is exactly what this brand is all about. Serving the people is our mission; and our clothing line is just one outlet we’re using to accomplish that. Each month, we’ll select a charity or cause to donate 10-20% of our proceeds to. We’ll announce the donation recipients on the 1st day of every month here on our website and each of our social media platforms (FB: Soxsu YT: Team Soxsu IG/Twitter/SC: teamsoxsu). We encourage community engagement, and ask that you send us charitable organization recommendations for consideration on any of our platforms. How do you Soxsu? Maybe you volunteer at a homeless shelter, maybe you donate blood, maybe you run errands or buy groceries for the elderly. Whatever you do, let us know! Upload a photo or video with the hashtag #howisoxsu for a chance to win FREE Soxsu merchandise AND a Soxsu ambassador endorsement on our website. We’d love the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge you for all you do. Nominations are also welcome! We’ve built a brand that you can wear with pride; knowing that by supporting us, you’re also supporting those in need. What could be better than that? Thank you for visiting. Join the movement, stand out by standing up!